Our beliefs are powerful drivers that cause us either to succeed or fail all depending on, of course, whether or not our beliefs are empowering or limiting. Any given situation can have an infinite number of interpretations. How is it that there could be 20 different witnesses to the exact same event and yet all 20 give different accounts as to what happen? Its how we choose to interpret the situation that gives us meaning. Often what directs our interpretations are our beliefs.
So whether or not you can or cannot do something all comes down to whether or not you believe you can do it. The next time there is something you'd like to accomplish but you find yourself holding back, ask yourself "why". If you think you can't accomplish something that you know you want, write down all the reasons why you think you can do it and all the reasons why you think you can't. Look at the list with all of the "can'ts" and see if you can spot all of those which are actually limiting beliefs. Things that you believe to be true that stop you from acting. Isolate those and ask yourself:
Where does this belief come from?
Who gave me this belief?
What is it costing me to continue believing this?
Use these questions to challenge your limiting beliefs with the aim of overcoming them. G.G.